
Significant Event Research Paper

Decent Essays

What is a “significant event”, truly I mean? A baby’s first step, high school graduation, or even the pay raise that benefits you with a very very generous paycheck. A “significant event” to me is to have a realization or occurrence that changes your perspective. In my case, i have had so many negative events occur, it should be illegal. In this case it was an incident in which caused a major realization, an “AHA!!” moment, an epiphany. I went to a chinese restaurant and ate some shrimp fried rice and eggrolls, but after dinner was over of course the waiter brought the bill and a few fortune cookies. We all finished eating and opened the cookies. I usually don’t take the fortunes seriously but this one actually made me think. Not just think, but truly question and reconsider everything i could possibly byass on a day to day basis. I take in the words, “ Broke is temporary, poor is a state of mind” (Little dragons fortune cookie). Of course being me, I overanalyzed and overthought but it took a certain memory for me to actually understand and recognize the true significance of this quote.
When i think about Christmas over the years, as the presents became less and less as i grew and started to understand exactly why this was, I became quieter and more to myself. As the clothes became smaller and the …show more content…

I then realized life isn’t about the the riches, shoes, or earrings. Life is really about sharing and enjoying these things with the ones you love and still actively enjoying everyday even if you don't have everything other people have. I learned to appreciate and recognize the true value of life. After that day of course i would sometimes get down about the things i didn't have, but whenever it truly got to me i would open the top drawer of my dresser and pull out that fortune in which i came across the years following this wonderful thanksgiving. And i complained no

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