
Simmons Lab

Decent Essays

Simmons Laboratories Case Study
Simmons Laboratories is an organization that takes a strong approach on small teams to solve problems in studies. The organization has a project head, Dr. William Goh, who sets up the teams to work on a project. Simmons Laboratories team leader for the Photon Correlator is Brandon Newbridge. Newbridge took pride in his achievements of moving up quickly through the ranks at Simmons Laboratories and kept one thing in mind, Dr. Goh telling him “The sky is the limit for anyone who can produce!” This was all threatened by Lester Zapf. Dr. Goh suggested Lester Zapf work on Newbridge’s team to get him familiar with the research and organization. Newbridge noticed Zapf’s competence of the research, some of which …show more content…

Newbridge also stated that he thought Zapf could supply the leadership the team needed. Goh was annoyed by the letter. Goh had actually already offered Zapf another job. Goh was faced with a dilemma and asked Zapf if he would like to continue on the team or take the other job. Zapf chose the other job, leaving Goh to briefly place Link as team leader which hurt the team determinately.
Simmons Laboratories has a few issues within in this case. The issues range from reward systems, leadership, and group issues. The reward system at the Simmons Laboratories seem to be a more individual reward base versus team base rewards. This can be seen when Newbridge remembers Dr. Goh saying to him “The sky is the limit for anyone who can produce!” Individual rewards in teams tend to lead to self-advancement and not sharing with the team. This seems to be the motivational factor Newbridge but this begins to become threaten with the addition of Zapf to the team. The next issue seemed to be a self-evaluation in the work done by Newbridge. Newbridge was blocking out the possibility of issues with his own findings using perceptual defense (McShane and Von Glinow 191). This became noticeable when Zapf noticed that the work was close to the same work that he had done in the past. For some reason, the relation of the work compared to Jennings surface upset Newbridge because he was unaware of Jennings surface and the reference made

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