
Simultaneous Dequisition Of Bilingualism And Multilingualism

Decent Essays

Simultaneous acquisition of bilingualism and multilingualism means a person starts learning two or more languages from birth. After the child is born, they start to hear the languages spoken at home. As an example, my cousin married an Italian. Their son at home experiences a bilingual influences as his mother speaks English to him and the father speaks Italian to him. During the weekend, the child stays in the grandparents’ house. The grandparents speak Chinese to him. In this fashion, he is learning three languages simultaneously. So, his first languages are English, Italian and Chinese. He knows which language is appropriate when he talks to different people. When his grandmother came to visit from Italy, he spoke Italian to her. He is four years old and attends school. The teacher only speaks English. Since he spends additional time learning English, therefore his fluency in English is advanced over the other two languages he speaks. The simultaneous acquisition has wide categories based on the family background and the languages spoken at home. There are four types of simultaneous acquisition within early childhood bilingualism. The first type is one person - one language. Here, the parents speak different languages. One parent speaks English and another speaks Chinese. Then, the second type is that the home language is different from the language outside the home. For example, when both parents speak Korean at home. The child learns English at

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