
Sir Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition

Decent Essays

Sir Ernest Shackleton was a courageous and bold man; here are a few things about him. He knew all about the weather in Antarctica. Also, he was the first one ever to come into a 100-mile radius of Antarctica. He was as famous as famous could be, and was a hero to thousands who read his book “Furthest South” expedition. He was also the leader of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, and before he set out on the Endurance he had already been to the Antarctic twice. There was a race to the South Pole and Shackleton just had to win it. But, Shackleton’s attempt abruptly came to a stop because he was thrown back by terrible weather conditions, weather conditions 20 times worse than Michigan’s winter. The prize went to Amundsen on December 14,

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