
Skeletal System

Decent Essays

The human system that consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and joints is the skeletal system. The major functions of this includes protecting organs, allowing movement, and many others. The skeletal system interacts with many other of the human systems such as the circulatory, respiratory, muscular, and immune systems. An average person has about 206 bones in his/her body. But a baby has about 300, because not all of the bones are fused together yet. Now, I’ll talk about the major organs of the skeletal system. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about this are the bones and joints. Bones are the things that make you able to stand up and they protect your inner organs, joints are the things that connect the bones …show more content…

Some of them are to protect inner organs and to provide shape and support. Another major function is to store materials, such as fats and minerals. Also the skeletal system also produces blood cells. The last major function of the skeletal system is that it allows movement ,like in our joints, so we aren’t just stiff as a rock. The skeletal system may only be one body system, but it interacts with the some of other ones too. One that it interacts with is the muscular system because they both allow movement. It also helps the circulatory system by making and producing blood cells for the rest of the body. Another system it helps is the immune system by making white blood cells to fight against viruses and bacteria. Those were different systems that the skeletal system helps with its functions. There are many bone diseases but I will only tell you about two of them, osteoporosis and congenital radioulnar synostosis. Osteoporosis is when someone’s bones get weak and brittle. A treatment can help, but it can not be cured. The reduced mass in the bones is what makes it weak and brittle. Congenital radioulnar synostosis is when your radius and your ulna are fused together. There are two types of congenital radioulnar synostosis, type one and type two. In type , there are 2-6 cm of involved fusion between the radius and the ulna bones. The radius and the ulna are forearm bones. In type 2, there is dislocation of the radial head, and it is farther from the elbow. About 60% of the time it is present in both

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