
Describe The Relationship Between The Structure And Function Of The Human Skeleton

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Bones is a living tissue that contain a blood vessel and nerves. It capable of moulding itself when it damaged.

The bone is hard, made up of collagen together with inorganic substances like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

There is a soft cushioning substance served as shock absorber in between bones know cartilage, it prevents damage to the surface of the bones as result of friction.

Synovial fluid is lubricant fluid that provide nutrient for the cartilage at the end of the bone while the joint is surrounded by a fibrous cover it known as synovial capsules.

The synovial membrane is inner lining of the capsules; the bone of a joint is held together by strong bonds called ligaments which is like elastic but it capable of controlling the movement of the joint.

Total words for TAQ 1: is 300 but split it between question 1.1 and 1.2

Criteria 1.2 Explain the relationship between the structure and function of the human skeleton.

The skeleton is the framework of bones, it structures the body, support to the body and protects the internal organs of the body. It also allows the muscles to move freely during the mechanism of locomotion. The human skeleton also performs other functions such as support, movement, …show more content…

To make a movement, the brain will send a message to the nerves to tell the muscles to contract. Muscles are made of fibres and cells, are attached to tendons, touch and very strong tissues are connecting the muscles to the bones. Every tendon is covering by a synovial sheath; also known as a tendon sheath, “a double-walled tube with a thin film of synovial fluid that acts as a lubricant to allow the tendon to glide along smoothly”. For us to make a movement, muscles will contract and the tendons will pull the bones along.

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