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0Jan 15th Paradigm -What is paradigm? -Thomas Kuhn: “the structure of scientific revolution (1962) -he was interested in two things. He redefined the word “paradigm” to use in science -These paradigms I take to be universally recognized scientific achievements that for a time provide model problems and solutions to a community of practitioners. -Provide models (in law, theory, instrumentation, application) from which spring particular coherent traditions of scientific research. -Ex. Copernician revolution, Newtonian dynamic (new version of the world-the change of paradigm ) -Ex. Theory of light -today (in the 1960): light is photon. Ie. Quantum-mechanical …show more content…

Body and soul -Already present in classical western thought (Greek Philosophers defined an opposition between body and soul) -Modern influence by Rene Descartes The Cartesian dichotomous thought -Rene Descartes (French philosopher. 17th century) dualism between mind and body -Body is associated with nature (biological dimension) mind with human spirit, cognitive faculties (cultural dimension ) -body, biology as nature obey to natural, objective laws -mind, spirits are cultural, subjective nature vs. culture body, biology, natural laws, objectivity mind, cognition, subjectivity (Then create a hierarchy between them. To speak which one is

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