
Soccer Research Papers

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Soccer Overview Soccer is the most popular sport in the world with an estimated 200 million active players. The sport of soccer is performed by men, women, children and adults with different levels of expertise. The game is played on a rectangular field (100-110m by 65-75m) with a goal at each end. Each team has eleven field players including a goalie. The main objective of the game is to score by getting the ball (28in) into the opposing goal. The team that has scored more goals at the end of the game is the winner. The primary law in soccer is that players other than the goalkeeper may not deliberately handle the ball with their hands or arms during play. Players usually use their feet to move the ball around, although they may use any …show more content…

Jovanovic, (2011) which suggested two separate programs; Pre-season and In-season. During the pre-season program athletes participated in 8-10 sessions per week lasting 90-105minutes per session. Strength training was done twice a week for 90 minutes including a 30 minute warm up and 20 minute stretch while endurance was done three times per week. During the In-season, strength training was done twice per week using loads from 75-85% of their 1RM and endurance training was done once per week. High intensity intervention was added with 4x4-minute maximal running with different drills at an exercise intensity of 90-95% max HR, separated by 3-minute technical drills done at 55-65% max HR. Wong,, (2010), agree with Jovanovic and stated high intensity interval training along with sprint training, performed once per week significantly improves players maximal aerobic speed and VO2 max. It was also shown that strength training done twice per week enhanced neural adaptation without muscle hypertrophy. Strength training and aerobic endurance training done together has the greatest effect (Wong,, 2010). During the off-season and pre-season Yap & Brown, (2000) suggested box, line, cone and shuffle drills be incorporated 3-4 times per week to increase hip strength, agility, speed and …show more content…

These components are necessary because of the high physically demanding game that soccer is. Forward soccer players need to be able to run fast, jump high, kick hard, maneuver around defenders, trap and dribble the ball and last for at least 90 minutes. A program should be designed to mimic the actions and movements involved in a soccer game. Training focus should be placed on intensity, volume, frequency, duration and rest. Once these qualities are combined, individual skills can be utilized to produce the optimal player adequately prepared for any type of game

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