
Social Inequality In Australia Essay

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Colonisation, social inequality and healthy lives Aside from unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and substance use are also parts of unhealthy lives in aboriginal Australians that predominantly leading to increased disease burden (Péloquin, Doering, Alley & Rebar, 2017). In 2012-2013, only 38% of Aboriginal adults in urban area had sufficient physical activity that met the health guideline recommendation (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2014). Factors that impact physical activity include colonisation and low socio-economic status caused by colonisation among aboriginal Australians (Macniven et al., 2016). As mentioned previously, aboriginal Australians lived in hunter-gatherer lifestyles that required them to have sufficient physical activity, nevertheless, with the process of colonisation and urbanisation, most aboriginal people are grown in urban area where the traditional activity of hunting and gathering are disrupted (Nelson, Abbott & Macdonald, …show more content…

Aboriginal Australians are socially excluded and experience racism, restricted access to social, educational and economic resources due to colonisation and disadvantaged policies, which significantly impact their capability of living healthy lives (Shepherd, Li, Cooper, Hopkins & Farrant, 2017). In 2017, the study of investigating the barriers of physical activity among Aboriginal Australians concluded that the safe neighbourhood is an influential factor of physical activity (Péloquin et al., 2017). Many Aboriginal Australians who have low socio-economic status live in unsafe and inconvenient community; or some of them live in the neighbourhood that discriminates aboriginal people tend to have lower level of physical activity (Hunt, Marshall & Jenkins, 2008; Péloquin et al.,

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