
Social Justice In The Progressive Era

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The Granges ultimate goal was to help farmers “gain economic leverage and strengthen the commercial position of the American farmer” (Globalyceum, The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, 1877-1914). The Labor Unions and the Grange set up social justice for the workers during the Gilded Age. They both built social solidarity and collaborative action, as well as empowered the workers to exercise self-determination, realize their full potential, and fight for what they deserved as workers.
The time that quickly following the Gilded Age was known as the Progressive Era and during this time, there were definite examples of movements for social justice that pushed the government to establish policies that would ultimately create more gender and …show more content…

The Progressive Era challenged the roots of oppression and injustice and it sought fair redistribution of resources, opportunities and responsibilities. The reforms of this era empowered men and women of all colors to exercise self-determination and it built solidarity and community capacity for collaborative actions. The next era that I will be discussing is The New Deal and, in my opinion, movements for social justice is the basis for the programs developed during this time in American history. The New Deal was the time in which new programs were being brought to life to better the lives of the citizens following the Great Depression and WWII. Franklin Delano …show more content…

For example, when we freed the slaves and helped them integrate into society, it enabled our country to benefit from the diversity that integration brought forth. It also highlighted deep biases and prejudices that would need to be dealt with by future generations. As a population, if we do not understand the history of our social justice movements and how we have struggled in the past, we are doomed to repeat some of the problems our ancestors had worked to overcome. This is why it is so important to teach our children the truth about our history so, when they are the leaders and make up the voting population one day, they will be able to make appropriate decisions and not repeat our mistakes. Not telling our kids the whole truth about our history is lying and depriving them of the knowledge that they will need to move this country forward. Just as it is the government's responsibility to help its citizens in need, it is also the government's responsibility to make sure that its children learn the truth about who has been in need and how they were helped so that we continue to make progress in social justice for everyone who lives

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