
Social Media And Its Effect On Small Businesses And Home Businesses

Decent Essays

3. Area of research.

Social media platforms were few since it started to show in 1998, it grew extremely expeditious. Moreover, now, Facebook had 1.79 billion active users monthly while Instagram has 500 million active users answering the effectiveness of social media platforms in general. Also, in Kuwait, there is a rapid evolution regarding social media effect on small businesses and home businesses. Moreover, a great response from the customer 's side as well. Reaching the customers and targeting the new generation lead the marketers to utilise the benefits of social media. Building a name for a new brand meet some challenges, and the challenges of brand recognition with a small capital to start a new business, from an unused room in …show more content…

Also, the study aims to expand on the properties available on the social media platform Instagram. Besides, how the business owners use the features on Instagram to promote their accounts.

• Exploring and sorting the challenges experienced by retailing business owners using social media channels to promote their products and services. Also, the most engaging and efficient social media channels to both customers and the home business owners.

5. literature review

In this research the main areas are, to evaluate the effectiveness of using social media platforms as well as, the digital marketing methods utilised by the owners of the small retailing businesses and home business in the state of Kuwait. Also, to identify and classify the key issues for such e-commerce companies, and the Regulations from Ministry of Trade and Industry for this kind of online-stores.

• Common Social Media platforms used in the State of Kuwait

In the last 15 years, social media platforms are perceiving as becoming various actual perspectives around the Arab world, and in particular, in Kuwait, it has been noticed that social media that enhance the quality of life of people moving it to another aspect where people use certain platforms for such need. In addition to Business profitability and governmental interaction with the society. Users do, However, the

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