
Social Media And Its Effect On Society

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Nowadays, Internet and social media plays an important role in our life. You just ask someone such as a child, a teenager, or a old person; you ask a question “Do you know or have facebook?”, and almost people say yes. Following statistic, Facebook has 845 million users at 21st century; Facebook has an appreciable attraction for almost people. Most people have a smartphone in the hand to access social media easily, and it easily helps contact with family, friends, colleagues, and another relatives in anywhere. Additionally, social media includes Facebook, Twitter, or another social facitities that remarkably affect to life of everybody, especially young people. Somebody thinks that social media affects positive aspect to the life of everybody because they think that social media connects a lot people together through social networks, even you do not need face to face each other. The other people think that social media gradually separate in human social interaction, specifically Facebook’s influence. Stephen Marche gave an article with title “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?”. I agree with the claim in the article that Facebook also played a part in influencing our lives, but the most important factor that makes us separate from social life is that we are doing it to ourselves. Firstly, Stephen introduced the historical context of society relationship; the author gave evidence to compare between social communication in past and present. For example, people easily communicate

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