
Social Media And Its Impact On Public Sector

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Literature Review

Social media provides the voice, in other words, social network and media connect company or organisation with its audience. Nowadays, social networking plays a significant role in any organisation. It is much easier for private sector to be linked with the social media, rather than for public sector. Public sector includes all organisations, which are owned or operated by the government, and exist to provide services to citizens (, n.d.). Waste management and recycling is one of the components of public sector.

Social technologies, Web 2.0, Gov 2.0.

For today, government organisations and agencies slowly increase use of social media channels; only now it got obvious for them, that there is …show more content…

Thus, it can be suggested for waste management company to use Twitter and Facebook as a primary social media platforms for external communications, in order to communicate with citizens on day to day basis and keep them updated. As for internal communications within the company, the best is to use LinkedIn, so employees can be aware of what is going on in the company, and build a relationship with each other. Furthermore, the term, such as Gov 2.0, has to be mentioned. Government 2.0 (Gov 2.0) can be described as the use of information technology (IT) to commoditise and socialise government services and processes (DiMaio, 2009). When Gov 2.0 and Web 2.0 works together, it has a positive impact on the link between public sector organisation, government, and citizens.

The importance and purpose of social digital tools in waste management sector

Waste management and recycling services have been using the traditional tools of communication to reach the audience, such as print advertisement, brochures and flyers. Through out the time the way to do business and communicate with audience has changed, as the digital technology become more advance. These changes have affected all the industry, including the waste and recycling sector. It seems that organization within this sector have been always putting the importance of digital technologies and opportunities of social media on the back burner. However, the

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