Topic 2: How do you think Social Media are shaping demand for Events and the Event Experience? Use examples to illustrate your argument. Social media can be clearly defined by breaking down these two words. Media is an instrument of communications towards the world, for example, newspapers, magazines, radios and televisions. Social would be the interaction between one human being to another. Therefore if we put them together, social media would means an interaction between one to another through an instrument of communication. Social media is the main source of communications and information exchanges nowadays. Social Media is everywhere, billions of users have been using applications such as Youtube, Twitter and Facebook, and this …show more content…
When the society have little knowledge and exposure to the event, it certainly does not arose their curiosity and interest into attending one. But as the society move towards the newer technologies, there is a larger scale of sharing experiences through social media for instants, posting reviews, pictures and videos on their social network applications. With this amount of information available, people are then exposed to more events that might attract them into participating in one. For example, in 2012, the tickets for one of the largest music festival hosted in Belgium, Tomorrowland, was sold out in matter of seconds to 2 million people after 30 million people have viewed the Tomorrowland 2011’ after movie’ (getin, 2012). This is a good example that shows the significant growth in demand for events through social media publicity. With many celebrities participating in social media posting such as twitter, fans have more live updates on what are their favourite celebrities schedule like to as to raise awareness of the upcoming events the celebrities are holding, for example, Kpop company releasing news of activities such as autographing session or the release conference of Kpop stars’ new album through SNS are one effective ways to draw demands to such events. (Mayers, J.S. 2014). But on a hind side, these information might have a negative side to how it shapes the demand of events too. As these information are too highly available on Social Medias
Social media is defined as “forms of electronic communication (such as Web sites) through which people create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc” (Webster, M. (n.p)). Social media outlets
The definition of social media Wigmore provided is that the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. (2014) Social networks have evolved into online communities. They can be based around all sorts of thing like friendship or common interests, which allows file sharing, blogging and often-incorporate content from all sorts of other
Social media sources a have a major impact in the persuasion of making society become compulsive buyers in compensation for not buying that other item. In that
Relevance to audience: As users of social media you may not think that it can have a bad effect on your life or the lives of those around you. After listening to what I have to say today, will give you a new perspective on social media and the huge control that it can have peoples’ lives.
In the world that we live in today, our society molds itself from the ideals portrayed in the media. Modern society has enhanced the effects of how media portrays certain lifestyles with the invention of social media. College students seem to be the most effected by social media due to the vast connections to the internet and an ever-growing curiosity that comes with being a college student. Social media has been able to influence lifestyles, alter communication skills, mental health, relationships, job titles and schoolwork ethic. As the internet continues to grow, society will grow with it- not necessarily in the right direction.
Social media. It 's a disease we all love, no treatment has ever been established for its cure. It 's killing us. Sadly, it 's gained astounding worldwide growth and popularity from many nations globally. It 's capturing today 's youth rapidly between its claws, making our lives depend on it. Anthony Carmona states “It is a veritable battleground, where insults fly from the human quiver, damaging lives, destroying self-esteem and a person’s sense of self-worth.”
The project aim at teenagers, therefore sample group is between 13 to 19. I will set the sample sizes in 50 participants since it is easy to identity and more precision. If a sample sizes increase, it is very hard to estimate and become not accurate. Also, I’m worry about the extremes data can’t make a balance out, so the project prefers small sample sizes. It can take less effort to gain and maintain people, it is easy to produce significant results and comfortable to find a group of people. I will obtain samples from friends or friends’ sister and brother.
Festivals and special events are a growing business in the world’s current trends. With special events growing and generating more and more money for communities and nations this assignment will take an in depth look how special events and festival have a positive and negative effect on the environment the economy, society and culture. Festivals especially have developed dramatically since the first known weekend long concerts in California in the summer of 67. With new technology and production it has allowed festivals to improve the quality of events and provide more in ways of entertainments to meet guests needs. This in turn also allows festivals and special events to allow more people to attend the event than before.
First of all, I would like tell you what is social media. Social media is the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Think of regular media
The term media states that it is an instrument on communication. Whereas the word social media itself defines the meaning of, social of communication. Which then not only provides you information but allowing you to interact while it provides you with information. Interaction can be as simple as leaving a comment or voting on an article to as complex as
Social media’ consist of two words. Social refers to communication among individual or group of people. Media which means to advertise and communicate ideas or information through newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet.
Sosial Media is the place to communicatewith other people , a place to sharing informations and place to express your opinions. Now almost everyone is using social media. became part of most people and most of its users are teenagers. If we think for aliminating social media maybe a very difficult, because social media has no have form or same system. But continues to evole and change in accordance with their function such as whatsap, line, twiter, blog, facebook and youtube.
How do most people use social media networks? Some people use social media as a way to get in contact with friends and family. Some people use social media as a way to advertise businesses and events. Others use it as a means of entertainment and information. The Merriam-Webster dictionary states the definition of social media as “forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content” (Merriam-Webster, 2017). Whichever way people decide to use their social media account their personal information is shared one way or another. Any information on the internet can be used by anyone who has a desire to use it. Because of this abundant and immediate
Despite the fact that we’re already in the 21st century, society continues to show signs of progress and development strongly leaning towards the direction of advancement, constantly evolving. This pattern is no different from the world of advertising, as it has also evolved through the years and quite recently an unexpected technological innovation took the world by storm. It made such a tremendous impact that eventually led to the transformation of traditional marketing, and it’s no other than social media that we all learned to love.
Social media, according to (Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein, 2009) is a mass of internet based application that builds on the technology and content foundation of Web 2.0 and which allows the creation and exchange of user generated content. Social media is an internet base tool that increases information sharing. Social media is a medium for social interaction, using the most available publishing techniques, and it uses, a web-based application to transform communication, making dialogues more interactive. Social media distribute information and knowledge to a greater number of people, it is a low cost instrument used to merge technology with social communication through word of mouth.