
Social Play Analysis

Decent Essays

A). Play as defined in our book is an “activity that is intrinsically motivated, focused on means rather than ends, different from purely exploratory behavior, nonliteral, and free from externally applies rules” (Gross, 225). There are different types of play such as play with objects, social play, and pretend symbolic play. Play with objects depends on age for example a child between the age of birth to 4 months uses exploratory type of play, repetitive motor movements such kicking legs, reaching for or sucking their toes, and rolling over. Whereas a child who is between the age of 24 months and 36 months uses fine motor play which allows them to play with Play-doh and put together puzzles. Social play is playing with a responsive human playmate. This could be the child’s mother, father or caregiver. Pretend/symbolic play “usually emerges after the first birthday, when children behave in a nonliteral way, acting as if they were performing familiar routines, such as eating, going to sleep, or washing their face” (Gross, 195). …show more content…

This topic is interesting to me as it amazes me how as we grow playing takes different forms to us. It is also interesting because as we get older we can give meaning to objects making playing more intentional. Playing also caught my attention as before reading about this topic in our book I would have never correlated pointing and naming games as mothers using it as a way to teach their child, I use to believe they would do this just to have fun with their child. I was interested in this topic as well because I never knew play was different in cultures I always believed it meant the same thing. It also interested me as when I get older and have kids of my own I will use play to teach, a process known as

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