
Unit 6

Decent Essays

Unit 6: Supporting children’s play

1. Understand the play environment
1.1. Explain what is meant by the play environment
The play environment is the provision that is made foe children in which they can learn, play and relax. It encompasses both the physical environment (such as the layout, equipment and furniture) and the “emotional” environment (the atmosphere, or ambience that is created).

1.2. Explain how the environment supports play.
Play doesn’t just happen. It is true that babies and young children are biologically disposed to play, but they will not develop their play unless they meet people and experience the situation that encourage the development of play. What adults provide has a direct impact on play. If adults …show more content…

Playing and modelling.
Children can learn how to play with others when adults join them in play. This is the key way in which babies and toddlers learn about turn taking and also responding to others. When adult play with children, they can also show haw to share and how to cope when their idea is not accepted by others.

2. Acknowledgement.
Practitioner can help children by acknowledging when they are being cooperative. This will help children to recognise that this is a valued skill.

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