
Social Problems In The United States Essay

Decent Essays

One of the biggest problems in the U.S. is the high segregation product of a multi-ethnic society; In the United States it is usual to find black, Latino, white, oriental, Jewish neighborhoods as a form of segregation. Another example of this racial problem occurs in prisons, where the vast majority of prisoners are black, followed by Latino inmates, and the minority is white. This racial segregation has its root cause in the need for the dominant groups to segment, and to stimulate differences that limit the possibilities of political articulation of the subaltern classes, something particularly functional in the United States, due to their extraordinary social heterogeneity. The problem is that these attitudes not only threaten immigrants, …show more content…

Tools like cell phones, Facebook and Twitter have allowed the harassment to be much more intense and more public. Whatever is uploaded on the web, stays, spreads on the web and could be for years there. Taking into account the seriousness of the case, in the United States a bill was presented on the basis of a long investigation, which will enforce the law the necessary tools to punish those who decide to participate in cyberbullying. As adolescent users are most affected, many have even committed cyberbullying. There is a strong link between harassment and suicide, according to the latest suicides related to bullying in the United States among adolescents. The problem is that most state laws penalize the bully as a crime, but not all states embrace the cyberbullying as a crime that should be penalized. On April 2, 2009, a federal bill addressing the Cyberbullying was filed before the House of Representatives entitled the "Prevention of Cyberbullying Megan Meier." Megan Meier's case made the law, parents and advocates realize that in some cases adults perpetrated some of the crimes, which may allow some jurisdictions to view cyberbullying as a form of child abuse when a minor age is involved

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