
Social Psycho

Satisfactory Essays

Using Kelley's Covariation Model of Attribution Yes High Consistency: Does this person respond to this stimulus in the same way across time? (If yes, we seek explanation.) Yes High External or situational attribution Yes High Distinctiveness: Does this person respond differently in different situations? No Low Internal or personal, dispositional attribution Yes High Consensus: Do other people respond the same way as this person to this stimulus? No Low Examples: Applying Kelley's model of attribution (Answers appear below) 1. You have to evaluate Miguel’s cooking performance at the La Cocina restaurant. Miguel usually works the lunch shift and you note that on three days in a row Miguel falls behind …show more content…

3. Nick and Nora are two of your friends, but they have met each other just twice. After they meet the second time, Nick tells you that he doesn’t like Nora. In fact, he says he didn’t like her the first time he met her. Why doesn’t Nick like Nora? Nick is easygoing and gets along with most people. Your other friends who have met Nora have liked her. What is the consensus information? Is consensus high or low? What is the consistency information? Is consistency high or low? What is the distinctiveness information? Is distinctiveness high or low? To what do you attribute Adriana’s absence? Is she unreliable or are circumstances affecting her? Are you making an internal (personal) or external (situational) attribution? 1. You have to evaluate Miguel’s cooking performance at the La Cocina restaurant. Miguel usually works the lunch shift and you note that on three days in a row Miguel falls behind in his orders. The other cooks quickly get their orders ready, but Miguel is much slower. You have the opportunity to watch Miguel on one dinner shift when the restaurant has fewer customers, but Miguel still can’t keep up with the orders. What is the consensus information? Other cooks are faster than Miguel. Is consensus high or low? Low What is the consistency information? Miguel falls behind in orders three lunch shifts. Is consistency high or low? High What is the distinctiveness information? Miguel is also slow on dinner shift. Is

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