
Software Testing : Testing And Testing

Decent Essays

1. Introduction Software testing has always been a vital step in software development process and is a very important technique used in quality assurance. A study proves that 30 – 50% of the project’s effort is put in testing and off this major part, a big piece is dedicated to developer’s testing. This developer’s testing is proved to be an efficient technique to detect and solve the defects in the early process of the development process. With this increasing popularity of unit testing, a number of frameworks supporting this testing has been introduced. [1] The main goal of testing is to determine what the defects are. Developer testing adds a special property to testing by detecting what and where the defects are. The degree to which recognition of the reason for defects is relied upon the nature of the test suite. Developer testing can also be used to apply changes to code without actually breaking it. [2] This is a big pro to the faster implementation and refactoring of the code. And therefore it is reasonable to expect a relation between the quality of the test code and the performance of the development team in fixing defects and implementing new features. [6] Hence in this study we research the existence of such a relation and provide a numerical evidence of the code testing. We concentrate on proving that performance of the development team in handling issues, applying patches etc., increases with the quality of the code. To analyze the fore mentioned hypothesis, we

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