
Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream: Imagery

Decent Essays

Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream: Imagery

In "Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream," the author Didion uses fiery imagery to parallel the San Bernardino Valley to hell. It is a place where the
"hills blaze up spontaneously," and "every voice seems a scream." (p.3) Didions hellish descriptions of the geography reflect the culture of San Bernardino
Valley. It is "where the hot wind blows and the old ways do not seem relevant, where the divorce rate is double the national average." (p.4) In this culture, the importance of the "old ways," such as a long-lasting marriage, are devalued. It is a society where the "dream [is] teaching the dreamers how to live," (p.17) and where reality doesn't hamper peoples obsessions and …show more content…

Didion later refers to the courtroom seats as the "spectators section." (p.25) A sporting event is not taken seriously. Therefore, Didions comparison of the trial to a sports game undermines the seriousness of law and order in the San
Bernardino society. She implies that a self-seeking and avaricious culture results in chaos.

Lucille Miller is a prime example of an individual affected by the narcissistic culture.. Lucille, "a woman motivated by love and greed"

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