
Sona Research Proposal Paper

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Proposed Methods
Approximately 168 participants, self-identifying female students from the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario will partake in this study. The participants will either volunteer to participate with the chance to win one $50 Stone road Mall gift card or to obtain credit towards their first-year psychology course. The participants will be asked to fill out a single online questionnaire that can be accessed from an electronic deceive (mobile device, desktop, laptop) and will take approximately twenty-five minutes to complete. Participants will be able to exit the online survey at any point without penalty. Recruitment. Participants for the study will be recruited using four different methods. The first …show more content…

For participants who did not access SONA to participant in the study and will not receive compensation corresponding to their first-year psychology class, have the option to enter a draw to win one $50 Stone road Mall gift card. The chances of winning this lottery will depend on the number of participants who enter, however, it is estimated that chances are about one in seventy. Participants will be able to leave the study at any point by exiting the survey without any penalty.
The online questionnaire consists of five sub-scales that assess demographic information, emotional reactions to posters, the perception of posters and unwanted sexual experiences. There are a total of 120 items in this questionnaire. The questionnaire can be found in Appendix C. Demographic Measures. The demographic section of the online questionnaire consisted of 6 items that included age, gender, sexual orientation, academic year, degree of study and ethnicity. These questions can be found in Appendix C, section 1. Emotional Reactions. The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) (Watson, Clark & Tellegan, 1989) will be used to measure the participants’ positive and negative affect at the moment. The scale consists of 20 items in total, 10 positive and negative words used to describe emotions or feelings. Participants must indicate to what extent they experience the emotion. Each item is rated according to a 5-point Likert scale

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