
Souhalo Timite Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Souhalo Timite came to Peninsula READS in February 2016. His goals were to find a job, move out of his brother-in-law’s apartment and into an apartment for himself and his wife. He also wants to learn to drive. He looked for a job for 5 months but did not find one. He was afraid he would have to move out of Virginia to find work. His brother in law set up a job for him with his old employer in Washington DC, he was scheduled to move there on the weekend of July 21, 2016; when he received a call from Nolan’s to start work on Monday, July 24. He worked at Nolan’s and rode the bus every day to and from work, as well as to and from school. He said that riding the bus was not easy and it was expensive. After working for Nolan’s for about

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