
Southeast Asia is made up of closely intertwined nations. There is shared history and common

Decent Essays

Southeast Asia is made up of closely intertwined nations. There is shared history and common similarities of having been colonized and therefore appreciate and cherish nation and state building as priority. Multiple traditional and non-traditional security challenges characterised by complex relationships continue have a significant impact in defining the long term peace outlook in Southeast Asia region.

This paper seeks to provide a critical assessment of security challenges that Southeast Asian nations faces and examines why an inter-state war is not a central security concern in contemporary times. The first section discusses security challenges in Southeast Asia by examining both internal conflict and inter-state dispute in …show more content…

This is largely due to post cold war decolonization, where the fall of communism and rise of democracy is in full steam. Most of the countries saw opportunity in economic growth and relegated ideological aims backed by military power.

While the traditional threat of inter-state wars have not occurred in Southeast Asia since post cold war era, it has been replaced with numerous conflicts in the region, a trend somewhat consistent with Huntington’s view. Huntington argued that the ideological conflict of the Cold War would be replaced by ‘‘ethnic conflict’’ along historical cleavage lines––a ‘‘clash of civilizations.’’5 Economic development and the spread of democracy may have render war obsolete or at least less common but empirical evidence has shown the rise of ethnic violence, territorial disputes and security concerns such as proliferation of weapon of mass destruction outside of Southeast Asia.

Internal conflicts - Almost all Southeast Asian countries

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