
Spiritual Belonging

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came to church, the more involved she became and eventually she stopped going to the nightclub. When she experienced a sense of belonging and saw that her life had a purpose, she was amazed. She had not experienced a place where she received God's love displayed unconditional love or experienced a church willing to walk with her and meet her at the place of her need. Consequently, she begin to participate in church and participate in God's mission through our service as leader of the breakfast ministry. This transformation was possible not because of our invitation, but it was God's work through us in God's mission which resulted in her being a part of the church. I understand the sense of belonging and the sense of broken relationship that …show more content…

This gave me the necessary theological foundation to preach this sermon with a sense of culpability. The Holy Spirit’s works in relation to preaching is one issue that is often times is misunderstood today. In the broad sense, the misunderstanding ranges from the total neglect to the extreme view of the Spirit’s involvement in the preaching ministry. On the one hand, preachers must not undermine the work of the Holy Spirit. While some believe that preaching is basically a human effort that can be effectively accomplished by diligent study and preparation coupled with eloquence and charisma in the actual delivery of the message. On the other hand, I believe that the Spirit’s role in preaching is central. Some believe that if they simply pray, the Holy Spirit will give them the text to preach a “spirit-filled” and “anointed” sermon. Some are convinced that the Holy Spirit gives them “new revelations” every time they stand behind the pulpit. I believe the Spirit leads and guides me every every aspect of sermon preparation and delivery. The Holy Spirit’s work in my life as preacher is more of a partnership with me. I say partnership, because it requires my sensitivity and willful yielding to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. While the Holy Spirit plays an active role in the ministry of preaching, it is very important to have a clear biblical perspective about Jesus’ role and God motivation to reconcile us back to

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