
Sports Marketing and Mobile Technology Essay

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Sports marketing has made its way directly to the fans. In the past, only the extremely devoted fans would check on their teams online but now, the norm has changed. Now the devoted fans learn new information before anyone else, and even get rewarded for it. In the article “The Passion of the Fan”, by Stewart Feil, fans are being rewarded for posting about their favorite teams on social media. The reason this is possible is because mobile apps have greatly contributed to the way fans follow their teams. In “Sports marketing and technology with the New England Patriots”, by Michael Krigsman, it reveals that fans have the capabilities of sending their favorite teams their input about the team. The most amazing part is their voice is being …show more content…

This trend has become so popular that social media has exploded with sports news and is a popular way to find information on current sports. Feil describes the influence of social media on sports, “As sports marketing agency Catalyst found in its 2012 Fan Engagement Study, digital channels—league websites, fan sites, online sports news sources, sports-related Twitter feeds and other Internet and social media outlets—are now second only to TV as a primary and trusted source of information for sports fans.” People are now relying on social media to find their information, and they are even spreading the news when they find out. Teams have started to capitalize on this acquired information. Feil goes into detail to show how the Detroit Pistons have managed it, “A gamified app called SocialToaster that lets registered fans earn points for each item they repost to their social media feeds; those with the most points receive game tickets, team merchandise and other incentives.” Teams are capitalizing on this opportunity to spread the word about themselves using prizes as incentives for devoted fans. By using this method, they hope to expand to new, untapped, resources of fans and bring their current fan base even closer. It is truly a genius idea, the

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