
Sports Psychology Research Paper

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Sport psychology is a branch of psychology, it is also a new developed sports science that draws on knowledge from many related fields inclining biomechanics, physiology, kinesiology and psychology. Sport psychology involves the study of how psychological factors affect performance and how participation in sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors[1]. Sports psychology research content is very extensive, such as skill learning, competition, sport psychology also include work with athletes, coaches, and parents about injury, rehabilitation, communication and team building. The birth of sports psychology happened in Germany. The first sports psychology laboratory was found by Dr Carl Diem in Berlin, in the early 1920s. …show more content…

The whole sports training involve psychological structure, only understanding the psychological characteristics of the physical quality can effectively guide the athletes physical training. Sport psychologists can help professional and amateur athletes overcome problems, improve technical level and achieve goals. Some athletes seek help from a sport psychologist when they have a problem, they might become anxious or lose focus during competition, they might have trouble in communicating with …show more content…

Human growth Hormone is produced throughout a person's lifetime but is produced more often when you're a kid and your body is growing. The functions of HGH include reducing body fat and increasing muscle, increasing bone density, increasing strength, improving skin gloss and texture. While Human Growth Hormone occurs naturally in the body, it can also be produced in a lab by recombinant DNA technology which is called

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