
Starbucks Corporation Public Company Profile

Decent Essays

Starbucks Corporation is a specialty coffee retailer, roster and marketer internationally. The first stand alone Starbucks coffeehouse was opened in Seattle, Washington by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker in 1971. In 1985 Starbucks Corporation was founded and, in 1987, the original founders would sell the company to current CEO Howard Schultz for $7 million (“Starbucks Corporation”). Having 22,519 retail stores in 67 countries worldwide, Starbucks has grown into the largest coffeehouse company globally (“Starbucks Company Profile”). The company currently offers a variety of products, such as handcrafted beverages, packaged ground and whole bean coffees, bottled drinks, tea, single-serve products, merchandise and snack items, at licensed stores and grocery markets. (“Starbucks Corporation Public Company Profile”).
Business Category
Starbucks has five main categorizations under the North American Classification System (NAICS) and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). The primary NAIC labels Starbucks as “Limited-Service Restaurants” and the secondary NAIC labels it as “Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars” and “Coffee and Tea Manufacturing.” For the SIC, Starbucks is labeled as “Eating places” under the primary SIC and “Roasted Coffee” secondary SIC (“Starbucks Corp”).
Starbucks operates in American, Middle Eastern, African, European, and Asian markets (“Starbuck Corp”). Within these markets, Starbucks operate mostly in large urban markets, such as

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