
Step 3 Step 1

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Step one go to an adult. The adult can put a stop to it before it gets bad. The adult can either do nothing or go to the bully's side. It might not be reliable they can help and it will be easy. If you don't have enough confidence or you are worried go to step 3 then come back. The adult does not even have to be a teacher i could be mom dad mrs. Will grandma. I would go to a teacher first then mom or dad. Step 2 defend your self! If you suddenly found yourself in a fight you need to defend. Not fight if you fight you might get This 3 steps will help you with bullying and other problems. So if no one is on your side we are. Step1 go to an adult. Step 2 defend yourself. Step3 confidence blamed. Instead defend till an adult comes. Or you might not be in good condition. Try learning to do gymnastics or kung fu that is a good way to help defend. Trust us it will help you. …show more content…

This step will help you with all the other steps. You need it to help you try doing yoga or watching a scary show. This will help you not cry like a baby. Also it will help you with steps 1 and 2. You need this its needed to not get beat up or to fight back. On challenge students face is bullying they need to tell and adult, learn to defend, and gain confidence. this is a three step challenge you might want to apply step three all the time it will help you in other situations.On challenge students face is bullying they need to tell and adult, learn to defend, and gain confidence. this is a three step challenge you might want to apply step three all the time it will help you in other situations. This is guaranteed to help you with bullying. Make sure to do step1 or 3 first step 2 is last resort. I put step three last because you might already have it or think you do not need it. DO NOT WAIT IT WILL NOT GET

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