
Stereotypes Of A Business Person

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If you dress in a way that places yourself into a category of a specific group of people, then you are becoming a part of the stereotype that classifies that group of people. The classifications are based on a myriad of differentiations. There is a very straight-forward way to point out how our society classifies certain people using clothing as a key component. To name a few types, doctors, teachers, business people, dentists, lawyers, builders, and waiters are all consistently classified by what they wear. The fact that we know off the tops of our heads what a doctor is supposed to look like proves that we use the appearance of a person as a form of classification and distinction. To be more specific, when we think of a doctor, we usually …show more content…

Similarly, when we picture a waiter we usually see a person in a white button up shirt with a tie, a black vest, and dark pants. Generally the appearance of a waiter is customized depending on the specific restaurant. However, the basic description of a waiter is universally known and promoted continuously. Another example of a person that is typically generalized according to his or her appearance is a businessperson. While, the term businessperson may seem generalized on its own, there are particular ways that we often assume to see these people dressed. Generally a person in a suit comes to mind. But in some cases that isn't all that we envision. We might also visualize a person in a blazer and a finely pressed button down shirt, wearing pants or a pencil skirt. While the looks may vary according to the specific job, there are common generalizations paired with what we wear. In some cases, the way that we combine appearance and profession can lead to frightening forms of gender stereotyping. So although generalizing is a part of our society, it is important to be mindful of how we classify people in order to avoid harmfully …show more content…

I doubt that most people would put on their finest clothing everyday if they didn't think that there was a certain expectation of them to do so. Women and men alike use clothing to prove themselves and to portray to the rest of society how they wish to be perceived. It’s a form of expression and societal existence that has never and will never fade. It has been present in every generation succeeding this one and will be present after this generation passes. Society will never lower its expectations, and people will never stop caring about what other people think. If we stopped caring, we would all walk around in whatever we wanted. Maybe we would be a society full of people wearing sweatpants and t-shirts. On the other hand, it is possible that it doesn't work that way. Perhaps it is human nature for people to use clothing as a form of expression. Nonetheless, expressionism doesn't cease to flourish beyond what we choose to wear. Social media is this generation’s new way of expressing itself. We have the ability to share and express things with people like we have never been able to before. It is so incredibly easily and accessible to us. And for that reason, we are challenged everyday to express ourselves and to continue expressing ourselves in new and unique ways. It is hard to imagine a society without the excessive forms of expression that exist today. The way that we dress is only a small piece to the

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