
Steve Jobs ' Stanford Commencement Address : Inspiring The Next Generation Of Students / Innovators

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Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address:
Inspiring the Next Generation of Students/Innovators
On June 12, 2005, Steve Jobs delivered a profound and influential speech addressing the commencement of Stanford’s graduating students. Steve Jobs was most known for being the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc., but was also less known for being founder of neXt and CEO of Pixar Animation throughout certain periods of his life. One of the reasons for observing this speech is primarily because Jobs is arguably considered one of the most innovative icon and leader of the 21st century who not only “directly helped change and improve not only the PC business (Macintosh, iMac, MacBook Air, iPad), but also the music (iPod, iTouch, iTunes), smartphone …show more content…

As for the social and/or economic status, since Stanford University is considered one of the most “prestigious” schools in America, it is a safe assumption that the statuses of these students were homogenous to one another and above the status of the “average” American student. Besides for those people who were present and personally witnessed this address from Steve Jobs, the speech was also recorded and uploaded to Stanford’s website and their YouTube page. Originally stemming from both of these two sources, this recorded video of the speech eventually found its way all over the crevasses of the internet. Just these two videos, from the two original sources alone, has cumulatively received an additional 26 million views. These additional views consisted of a larger, more general audience, having a greater range of diversification in the age, race, gender, religion, nationality, and social/economic statuses compared to those of the immediate audience.
The general purpose was to address the commencement of Stanford’s graduating students for their educational achievement. More specifically, Steve Jobs wanted to inspire and influence this audience of graduating students in hopes that they will apply this advice for their future of successes that are accompanied by the inevitable failures and hardships. While Jobs referred to his own personal narratives of success and failure throughout, he was determined to reach the audience on a more

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