Stock Market Essay: Personal Experience Pages 1-2 The stock market game was interesting to me because I never knew anything about stocks. I struggled in making trades in the beginning of the game because I didn’t understand how to properly trade nor understood how money could be earned or lost. As time went by, I started to learn how to trade more appropriately to either gain some or lose just a slight amount. I found myself constantly depending on certain stocks rather than going for a variety like others seemed to do. I would only trade one thing at a time unlike everyone else as well because that’s what I felt comfortable with. However, I realized that sometimes to gain a great amount, I have to go out of my comfort zone and just take a risk; although, I still didn’t do it. The idea of having essay pages written actually motivated and pressured me at the same time for me to play it safe. I didn’t necessarily aim for being the top three nor did I focus on having no essay pages written but rather, I wanted to have a minimal amount of pages to write and I suppose I did succeed in that goal. The first few trades that I made started off being low-priced because I was too afraid of losing money which would result in me writing more essay pages and I did not want that. I focused on one stock called VisionChina Media Inc. (VISN) because it was the lowest price that qualified for the five dollar minimum for the stock market game. At this time, I still didn’t understand how to
For my stock game I invested into seven different stocks. The seven stocks I invested in were Microsoft, Boeing, Cisco Systems, the Clorox Company, 3M, Wal-Mart, and US oil. The reason I invested into these stocks was that their value was dropping or it was low so i was trying to make big gains thinking the stock prices would go up a lot. That didn't seem to be the case because i lost almost $2000. The stock that hurt me the most was my US oil stock. I bought 500 shares of it and the stock went down 23.23% so i lost a total of $1,720 on it. When i bought it i had a feeling that the price of oil was going to go up but it did the opposite and went down. Another stock that i lost money off of was Cisco systems. The stock went down 6.53% since i bought it causing me to
In my nonfiction outside reading novel, Unshakeable, Tony Robbins is a wonderful mentor and teacher of your personal investment. As a newcomer into the investment realm, Robbins was able to navigate and help the reader grasp the knowledge of the stockbroker side of the stock market. While learning the basic terminology of a bear vs bull stock, I furthered my comprehension and am considering entering the hectic stock exchange. With Robbins wisdom and experiences he preaches during “a 10-year period, the market almost always rises. Still there are no guarantees” (Robbins 128). This broaden my perspective as I would give up and call it quits not getting my way losing money and not thinking about a rebound. As it fluctuates the “average, the
The stock market is a risky business. Investing can make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams, in which only a few investors have found the formula. Otherwise making the wrong decision
I believe that people should invest safely into the market by buying either mutual funds or going to someone that will make sure they can manage a positive grossing portfolio. My problem with the stock market is I like to gamble and this is gambling, I enjoy buying more quantity of stocks instead of diversifying more of my portfolio. During this entire project I picked out incredible stocks. If I just waited to sell the stocks I would have made over 20,000 dollars. However, no one can guess where the market would turn out. The thursday before the assignment was due I was in second place and that afternoon the tech stocks just crash and keep going into
For the How the Market Works stock trading game, I tried to play strategically in a sense where I would look at which stocks were down and up. Additionally, I bought the main 4 stocks of the technology sector, for they have been going up for a while now. I would only buy stocks when they were down because they cost less money, and would try to sell them when they were up. Day trading was a big aspect of my game plan, but it was impossible to day trade at all hours of the day, so I bought the safe tech stocks to insure that my portfolio would always be going up. Some of my top picks were Netflix and Alibaba, which made the most money. Sadly, Alibaba went up 16%, roughly 2.5k, the day following the close of the game. I am familiar with these companies, a thing Warren Buffet said is necessary to buy, and their year to date is up. Also, I noticed that there is usually a morning spike in stocks and a daily fall in the end of the day. So, it was necessary to sell and buy several times throughout the day. I know this because my dad has been investing in the stock market for several years and gave
When I first began trading, I had the notion that the entire trading system was simple. The instructions appeared easy enough: pick a few stocks and trade. I would pick some stocks that I liked, as well as some from prominent corporations, and the money would flow without much effort. As weeks progressed, I realized how wrong I was. I bought Nike with the belief that I would make a massive of profit—after all, everyone wore Nike—but in reality, it was one of the few stocks that netted me a loss.
Going into the stock market game, my initial goal was to make enough money for a down payment for a car once I am out of college (around $4,000). To achieve this goal, my two main strategies going into this game were to invest in familiar companies so that I would better understand and foresee changes in the company 's price, and invest in companies that have had a long history of stock market consistency so that my investment isn’t likely to flop very quickly. In order to earn $4,000 dollars by the time I am out of college, I will need to earn about $500 every year until my graduation. Finally, a secondary goal is to not lose more than 50% of my initial investment and prioritize consistency over a higher predicted payout.
The purpose of The Stock Market Game is to help students experience firsthand the unpredictable reality of the stock market without risking actual money as well as the consequences of a failed investment. Through this wonderful resource, students are supplied an equity of $100,000 and provided the liberty to make their own decisions by performing a variety of trades such as buying and selling stocks in real time, just as they would in the real world. This game engages students of all ages in the vast world of finance, therefore providing them with an opportunity for a financially successful and independent
Over the past semester in Economics I have invested in and monitored the stock market. I learned how investing in certain companies can be risky and proper research about the companies are detrimental before buying stocks. Three stocks that have influenced most of my financial earnings and losses include Twitter, Amazon, and Pepsi.
Mentioned the words stock market to anyone in the United States and you are likely to get a vast array of comments, from excitement over making lots of money, to anger of losing lots of money. Everyone seems to have an opinion about the stock market, yet only about 50 percent of Americans are invested in the stock market. A troubling aspect is that few individuals actually understand how the stock market works. These individuals are taking a risk by investing in stocks that they do not truly understand. An individual choosing to invest on their own, without the advice of a financial professional, is like a person self-diagnosing a major illness; the results could be devastating and irreversible. To achieve financial success through investing in the stock market it is imperative that an individual work with a financial professional who will help them properly state their goals and objectives, design a properly allocated portfolio, determine their risk tolerance, and guide them in the ongoing investing process.
In the beginning, there was no real stock market. However stock exchanges did take place in smaller groups and corporations. This all took place during the 1700's where stocks were already around for a long time before that but it wasn't really popular in the United States. Stocks originally started as auctions where traders called out names of companies and the shares available. There was a auction that took place and the shares went to the highest bidders.
The student was instructed to create a portfolio in a website called How the Market Works; when he created the profile he joined the contest GEB 1011. Starting with $50,000 and he had to invest in the stock market. The objective of this contest was to learn How the Market Works and learn skills at investing.
About a year ago, I started researching how to trade. I watched webinars and read everything I could on it. A few months ago, I decided to take the leap and start trading stocks on my own. I researched
Playing the stock market game taught me how to invest through trading with stocks among companies. I believe that it would give me insight in the future when I’m dealing with real-life investments giving me the knowledge of buying, selling, shorting, and covering. Using actual money rather than theoretical money seems quite scary when it’s lost whenever it’s unpredictable where the money will end up. In my opinion, I think that the main purpose of the game is to demonstrate the reality of stocks and how they function. Even though the game was fake, it gave me real worries about the chances that I could have made either losing it or winning it. Although I did not win, it did give the experiences that I need for my daily life. I should instead go with my instincts
While my family’s company gave me a strong background in business management and marketing, I also learned many lessons about the trading through my parents and their involvement in the stock market. As I overheard their conversations about their portfolios and returns, I wanted to