
Strategic Analysis, Problems Identification, Solutions And Recommendations

Better Essays

Address 1 CEO and the Management
Address 2 DigiMaxCon
6th April, 2015
Strategic analysis, problems identification, solutions and recommendations

The presented report comprises of all primary and secondary concerns of CEO and the strategic management of DigiMaxCon. All the demanded apprehension are thoroughly considered and analyzed with a variety of techniques. System flaws, structural deficiencies and other findings are also presented along with their relevant solution.

Executive Summary
Due to the lack of competitive strategy and weak responsiveness towards external issues, DigiMaxCon has been facing deprived financial and business situation. The below presented analysis reveals that DMC is not only lacking in product development but is also not fairly dealing with its current operations. In order to recapture its successfulness, the management of company has to ponder upon a complete strategic change at all levels.

Business Analysis
Generic Strategy Analysis
DigiMaxConhas adopted cost leadership strategy of manufacturing since its establishment. The company has been designing products that can compete in market on the basis of their price. Company has invested a lot to improve its processes and production in order to achieve extreme cost economy. Later on, the decreasing profit margin has

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