
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Forensic Science

Decent Essays

Forensic science is a multidisciplinary subject utilized for looking at wrongdoing’s and social event confirmation to be utilized as a part of arraignment of guilty parties in a courtroom. “Obviously, a qualitative identification must precede any attempt at quantitation, for little value is served by attempting to quantitate a material without first determining its identity” (Saferstein, 2010, p.205). A quantitative measurement is normally expert by exact estimation of a solitary property of the material. “A qualitative analysis of a material requires the determination of numerous properties using a variety of analytical techniques” (Saferstein, 2010, p.123). When processing both qualitative and quantitative analysis of physical evidence you want to make sure you first identify and then classify the type of physical evidence. Qualitative analysis considers fine qualifications to be drawn because it is not important to shoehorn the information into a limited number of groupings. The primary weakness of Qualitative analysis is to deal with corpus investigation is that their discoveries cannot be stretched out to more extensive populaces with a similar level of sureness that quantitative analysis can. This is because of the discoveries of the exploration are not tried to find whether they are factually critical or because of shot. Quantitative analysis enables us to find which wonders are probably going to be veritable impressions of the conduct of a dialect or assortment,

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