
Stress And Its Effects On Stress

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Stress by definition is “a specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism.” ( All human organisms as well as other creatures deal with some form of stress or encounter stressors in their life. There are different magnitudes of stress that a person can experience. When encountering a stressor the first response is the ‘fight or flight’ response. This natural, instinctive response clues us into possible dangers, threats and high energy situations. This step is when the body decides if it should fight the stressor or flight from it. These situations are short-term, resolved in a quick manor and are called acute stressors. The body is able to respond and move on from acute stressors quickly rather than the next type of stressor, which is chronic stressors. Chronic stressors are long-termed based and not resolved easily or efficiently. This type of stress can cause physical ailments in the long-run and has long list of side effects to be aware of. Emotional and psychological abuse is stress and it is very much chronic in nature. There is much talk about physical abuse in the news and media. Kids being beat by their parents and family members and other students. Physical abuse has usually been associated with bullying in schools where actual physical contact is being made. But, more recently there has been awareness to emotional bullying and abuse. Celebrities

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