
Stress Definition Essay

Decent Essays

Stress is something I deal with on a daily basis. Stress can affect your body, your thoughts, feelings, and your behavior. When I feel stressed I feel under pressure, nervous and tense. My mind starts to race and I try to do too many things all at once. Stress can be both a positive and negative thing. It can be as little as picking out an outfit for school in the morning to as big as making a life altering decision. But there are also ways of coping with or handling stress. I’m going to take you through what stress is, what stresses me out, and how I decide to cope with that stress.
What is stress? With the help of two of my current classes; Stress Management and Psychology, I know a thing or two about stress and how the body reacts to it. Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Stress is mainly a physical response. When stressed, the body thinks it is under attack and switches to that “fight or flight” mode which releases hormones …show more content…

Little things can cause stress too. I tend to procrastinate a lot, so when I see a deadline, I do not get too worried about it at first. As the deadline approaches, that stress becomes more and more of a problem. My anxiety increases and I feel as if I will not get the task or project done in time. I’m also kind of a perfectionist when it comes to certain things. So I will change things multiple times before I see the level of completion that I want, which can lead to stress also. Worrying about little things, or overthinking situations always get to me too. It is unnecessary stress that I try to avoid, but that does not always turn out the way I would hope. Decision making is tough for me, because I feel as if I will not make the right decision. Especially as this time in my life, there are a lot of responsibilities and decisions to

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