Discussion Board 4: Reply 1 Thank you for your post Charles, I enjoyed reading your perspective on stress and how you deal with that in your current job. Many of us could take the way you deal with stress and apply it to our jobs and workplace. Stress is something that, most likely, effects all of us at some point during our careers. I personally experience situations on daily basis that cause some level of stress. When that happens, I rely on the words of Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” and I take time on my drive home to pray and ask God to help me let go of my worries. I am fortunate, like you, that I can take my concerns
ANSWER- A time I faced a problem with stress was when I was working my pro shop assistant job at Chisago Lakes Golf Course. I was eighteen years old and helping my boss run a big tournament, getting stuff ready for the tournament the day before. The morning of the tournament he hurt his back. He came into work and could not function as well as he needed to run the tournament. I was his right-hand man that summer helping with every day things, so he put me in charge of the tournament and running the staff to help with the tournament. So, I came into work thinking it was just another day I was going to help
I agree with Kelly McGonigal, not because whatever she said, is true about stress, but I feel that situation in my life. As she said that stress can be the healthier and gives you joy and meaning of a life. For example, I am not sure that this has been with me since I born, but I need stress in order to survive, and studying well because if I don’t have stress than I feel like helpless, or shiftless. Likewise, people need to distinguish between the good and bad stress before looking the result of it. Similarly, this topic is like “ see and think always right for better opportunities and for being a better
Stress is a part of everyday life and as such is a part of all organisations. Cole in his 2004 book ‘Management Theory and Practice’ describes stress as:
According to Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (2013), stress in general is a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation (Full definition of stress, 1c.). Job stress may involve the type of work your do, your boss, or co-workers or your hours you work. When it comes to job stress, it can take a toll on your productivity, as well as your physical and emotional health.
Introduction Stress affects millions of people. One of the most common forms of stress is that related to our careers and the workplace. In today 's economic difficulty, work related stress is even more pronounced than ever before. Everyone who has ever held a job has, felt the pressure of work-related stress. Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. According to the American Psychological Association 's (APA) annual Stress in America Survey. Only 37 percent of Americans surveyed said they were doing
But, in some cases when stress seems to take over I tend to fall into various patterns. One pattern that I have noticed when I am stressed is that I will be more severe and hard on students that are not doing what they are supposed too. I understand that in school you should not be all lovey dovey all the time, but I find myself out of character when stress hits. Another reaction pattern that results from my work stress is the change in my body language. Instead of being loose and charismatic with my body language I almost always tighten up and become stirn. In a way this ends up hurting myself and those around me. In order to make sure that I do not let stress affect those around me I have put in place a couple of coping techniques to thwart stresses evil
When you begin your new career, always remember to conduct yourself in the most professional manner. Keep in mind that you represent your boss as well as the company that you work for. Learning how to deal with stress is important. Some people can thrive on high stress situations and get things accomplished while others don’t deal well with stress.
Being that I am in the military stress in one of the primary barriers I have to overcome on a daily basis. The military is an everchanging job meaning nothing ever stays the same. The constant changes increase the level of stress in the workplace. Rules and regulations govern the military, so I have to follow the directives given by my superiors regardless of my viewpoint. Stress can cause individuals to go into a stage of panic when the demands of the job become to much to handle (Manning & Curtis, 2015). The military is very demanding and requries me to work long without receiving extra pay. My stress level is always high because working more extended hours means less time I have to spend with my family.
Many believe that stress is a simple problem, however it is often misunderstood and more complex than they believe (p. 181, Griffin & Moorhead, 2014). Stress is the physiological and psychological response to excessive and usually unpleasant stimulation as well as threatening events in the environment (p. 284, Schultz and Schultz, 2010). Stress appears in silent and subtle ways but this negative response affects millions of employees in all levels of all types of jobs (p. 284, Schultz and Schultz, 2010). If identified
I would like to conclude on a few points that we have discussed. The term stress was coined by Dr. Hans Selye from the University of Montreal and the basic definition of stress is the body’s response to any demand placed on it, pleasant or unpleasant (Cunningham, 2000). Some major causes of stress are “high physical, mental and or emotional demands, lack of variety, short work cycles, fragmented or meaningless work, underutilization and high uncertainty of work” (NOHSC, 2000, P. 29). There are also psychological stressors that affect workplace but that I will save that for another
12) When companies discover they can communicate better with their customers through employees who are similar to their customers, those companies then realize they have increased their _____ diversity.
look at the definition of stress and what causes people to have stress. Then we
It is critical to understand important stress management skills. If stress is not dealt with, it can result in a burnout, or perhaps worse, "People who experience high levels of anxiety are four to five times more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke" (Morrison
Stress at work typically is not felt from a single occurrence. The summation of stress occurrences lead to stressors. Stressors are defined as an event or context that elevates levels of adrenaline forcing a physical or mental response. There typically is a "straw that broke the camels back" philosophy that builds negative stress (Bauer and Erdogan page 138). Furthermore, our world is rapidly changing. The world becoming a global economy, rapidly changing technology, and increased competition between business is changing roles and expectations. Negative stress is often the result of a combination of undefined roles, rapidly changing technology, group, family, and social influences.
The world population is excessively on the rise making people hard to find a job for a living so that almost every job in this highly competitive world is increasingly stressful, so can anyone find a job that has no stress? Perhaps, the answer for this question is always no because stress actually comes from many causes whether people like it or not. For example, stress comes from bosses, colleagues, compensation, and jobs’ pressure. Stress mostly depends on what types of jobs. There are many types of jobs that are stressful, but people often think about the top three stressful jobs such as police officers, airline pilots, and firefighters.