Gun Control Laws limit the protection of citizens. Having the right to carry guns and have ownership, gives people a sense of safety. Being armed also prevents mass shootings and terrorist attacks.
Gun control has many negative effects on people. Having laws that deal with gun control, or the right to self- defense, denies people a sense of safety. ( Criminals will continue to obtain guns or break the laws, whether a law is set in place; gun control will not prevent mass shootings. These laws try to ban “assault weapons” but infringes upon the right to own guns for hunting and sports. United States government then gains more power and may result in tyranny by taking all guns from citizens. Background checks and
Gun control also empowers the wrong individuals with weapons of mass destructions that can endanger society. Gun control gives an opportunity to individuals to mass acquire firearms and market them to anyone who can purchase firearms
Gun control is a very big issue in the United States today. Many people don't agree with the gun control laws that they have today. Gun control laws only take guns away from law-abiding citizens. Many people have their own reasons for owning a gun. Why would the government want to make it harder for people to own a gun? People that own guns are not very likely to be attacked by criminals. Owning a handgun is one of the best ways of protection. The second amendment states "the right to bear arms" does this grant everyone a right to own a gun? Gun control laws have not been proven to do anything for citizens. Gun control laws just make it harder for a good guy to own a gun. Gun control laws are not a good idea.
All that should happen is certain types of guns shouldn't be accessible to the public. For example, a war zone gun like an M-16 should not be available to the general public because it is not used to hunt and is not a reasonable gun to carry simply to bare arms. Gun control would also put more restrictions on who can purchase a gun, because some people are not in the right state of mind to own a gun. Manufacturers might also be required to make all guns child proof. It's simple, if guns are available to everyone and anyone, gun violence will not be taken as seriously as it should be. Also, while more gun legislation is needed, the already existing gun laws on the state and national levels need to be strictly enforced. For example, it is a national law that in order to purchase a gun, a background check is required, but not all states enforce this law properly.
Over the past couple of years, being able to access a gun has been too easy for criminals. They have been able to easily pass background checks. This is why there needs to be stronger background checks to protect people from criminals. Also, gun laws do not need to be too strong so that no one can protect themselves. “In 2002 at the Appalachian School of Law [in Grundy, Virginia]. Hearing shots, two students went to their cars, got their guns and restrained the shooter until police arrested him”(Guns Save Lives). This is an example of why having guns could help. If there were laws that prevented these 2 students to own guns, the whole situation could have been worse. There could have been more deaths but instead, since they had guns, they were able to control the situation and protect themselves. Lastly, Americans have always had the right to bear arms. “The right to bear arms has been a long American tradition. From the time the colonists settled on North American soil, Americans have held weapons to protect themselves”(The History of the Right to Bear Arms). If there were always laws then America would not have been America. Changing this would just lead more people to be mad and cause more problems. It will be better off if the laws remain the same. Limiting the amount of gun laws will allow people to own a gun and protect themselves and having stricter background checks will make it harder for a criminal to acquire a
For a nation as advanced as the United States the death of thousands of people each year is an issue affecting and concerning every American. With this problem occurring almost every year, the question of whether or not gun licenses can guarantee the safety of citizens throughout the country has been raised. With the number of deaths created by firearms each year, the need for enforcing stricter gun-control laws has grown increasingly. In addition, with the amount of fear throughout the country, and concern for protection, many people are beginning to buy firearms through simple and easy ways. Throughout America there are numerous ways for citizens to find and purchase weapons, whether it is in a gun store or online, the possibilities are endless.
Gun control laws violate peoples right to self-defense and their feeling of safety. Police can not keep everyone safe. People feel safer having a gun because if they ever get into a situation where there are no police available and they need to use a gun for self-defense they'll be prepared. People use guns to protect their families and homes. While others say that guns are rarely used in self-defense when they haven't been in a situation where they needed a gun for protection. Guns are used for self-defense 2.5 million times a year. 64% of people feel safer with a gun in their home because they know if something happens they'll be protected. Taking away the right to bear arms affects the feeling of safety that 80% of women and 79% of men have.
Stricter gun laws are required to reduce casualties caused by gun violence. People have right to own guns base on the 2nd amendment of the U.S constitution. According to “Background on Gun Control” 91% percent of Americans say that there should be least minor restrictions on gun ownership. However, research shown that children who died after being accidentally shot has increased from 140 in 1996 up to 259 in 2012 every year. In my opinion, the U.S government should increase stricter gun regulations on background check; mental examination and safety trainings to prevent misfiring that cause death and injuries among our friends and family.
America needs stricter measures on gun usage because other countries have clearly shown that it is possible to have a much lower percentage of gun-related violence. The obvious changes that America needs to improve on are stricter gun-control laws, and a system of education before people are allowed to own guns.
I got a golden ticket. I’m not worthy. To all of my dear Liberal friends who still believe that putting even more restrictions on guns is the proper response to the mass shootings that happen in America I am writing to tell you that you are wrong. I understand how putting restrictions on guns sounds like a good idea, but it isn’t. Germany which is considered the strictest country on gun control laws has suffered yet another attack upon its populace using guns. A gunman armed with a handgun shot and killed nine civilians and injuring another twenty-one in a MacDonald’s restaurant. Laws prohibiting law abiding citizens from owning guns will not stop Islamic terrorists or other criminals from obtaining firearms, and even if it could it would not
Stronger gun control laws should be enacted. Firstly, the murder rate in America will decrease. Secondly, there wouldn’t be so many gun attacks and suicides. The article “American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence in one graph” by Julia Jones and Eve Bower shows how dangerous guns are now and how they are used for attacks rather than protection.
Gun control has been the top subject matter “since last December” (Mental). It is up to the Congress, the Senate, and the Legislature to do this so everything in the United States will be all right. The United States can be a better place if this what’s to happen latter on in the years to come. Not only stronger laws but better background checks “for the Federal Bureau” people. There are people in the United States and across the world who favor and oppose to this situation (“Gun Control Laws”). Per, the chart sixty-seven percent of people favor and thirty-two percent of people oppose to the background checks. Another thing is that two percent of people have no opinion about this matter (“Gun Control Laws”). Based upon an estimate there are
In the end, all gun control accomplish is keeping guns out of the hands of those who buy them legally, which includes almost no criminals. Since they don’t follow the law anyway, more laws only hinder law abiding people whose only wish is to defend themselves. Background checks are too easy for most criminals to pass, proving that not even the law can stop them. This causes the innocent people to be defenseless and the criminals to rule. Not only do gun control advocates wish to revoke the people’s rights to the second amendment, they also wish to leave citizens at the mercy of their enemies. No substantial reason for gun control exists. It fails to control criminals and crime, while taking guns from law-abiding Americans.. Even if laws did
Over time politicians are always looking for new things to make laws about and regulate. This is no different with guns. Overall the democratic party tends to be in favor of stricter gun laws, with wanting more regulations placed on legal ownership of firearms rather than criminals. The Republican party has tended to be less focused on restricting gun ownership. The first politician that comes to mind when I think of gun regulations is Kevin de Leon from the California Senate. He is very left wing and very uninformed when it comes to guns. Just last June, Mr. Leon wanted to pass 11 more restrictions or laws on legal gun owners. “Large ammunition clips: Bans possession of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 bullets. Bullet buttons:
In the past few years, mass shootings have been occurring more frequently. From that movie theatre a few years back, to the church shooting earlier this year, mass shootings are starting to become a little bit too common. One would think that this fact would lead to better gun ownership laws, but it has not affected them all that much. Too many Americans have rioted when the mere whisper of stricter laws escapes the mouths of any of their fellow people. Stricter laws on the ownership and usage of firearms should be considered, for it would reduce mass shootings, less violent crimes would be committed, and more lives would be saved from the potential danger.
To begin with, gun control laws aren’t doing any good in their current state. In fact, from a study done from 1980 to 2009 “assault weapons bans did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level.” This reveals us that it isn’t the laws that are in control, it is the people that are in control. To elaborate, another study found that “states with the largest increases in gun ownership also have the largest drops in violent crimes.” With crime rates dropping the deaths and injury rates dropped an “average of 90 percent.” In addition to less crime, one law passed by the government was for civilians to conceal carry, which means to carry a firearm undetected. This law being passed is what caused the drop in crime and violence, and again seeing as how a law for gun carriage is good, it is shown how it is on the people to make the right decisions. So, if there wasn’t a law for concealed carry, there may be more accidents. There may be a scenario in which a bank is being robbed, if and when a civilian is there to incapacitate the perpetrator, no harm will occur to the surrounding audience (Gun Control).