
Strong Attachment and Life Changes for Children

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A transition in childcare is moving from one situation to another this usually involves a change of a physical environment and a change of carer for part of the day such transitions could include child-minders, private day nurseries, crèche, children centre, primary to secondary school, moving house, moving school, puberty, nappy’s to toilet and cot to bed.
If a child is moving countries it will be major effect on their social development because it will be a complete different place for the child, they will need to go to a new school and make new friends, intellectually the child will not be learning as well because it’s a new area, this will be a big transition for them but also this can be good for the child because they are good at making new friends also the friends can show them around the environment which will be a positive development.
If a child’s parents have a divorce, this can bring a big transition to the child’s life. Not getting love from both parents. The child might be upset most of the time and have low self-esteem. They might be upset about this in school which might make them behind on work and they might not be interacting with friends and family. Physically the child will not be eating properly because of stress of parents and also wouldn’t learn intellectually as well.
Some children may experience frequent or multiple transitions this could include parents separating, moving from primary to secondary. Moving schools or houses.
Moving from primary

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