
Structure / Anatomy Of The Heart

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1)- Location of the Heart: According to Marieb and Hoehn (2013, p. 659) the heart is located within the thoracic cavity. It lies medially to the lungs and posterior to the sternum.

2)- Structure/Anatomy of the Heart: The heart is a muscular pump and consists of four chambers: two superior atria and two inferior ventricles. The atria are the areas of the heart that receive blood that is returning to the heart after being circulated, whereas the ventricles are the chambers that propel blood out of the heart to then be circulated around the body. The heart chambers are further divided by the inter-atrial septum and the inter-ventricular septum (Marieb & Hoehn 2013, p. 662).

The heart consists of three layers, the epicardium, the …show more content…

The trabeculae carneae are ridges found in the ventricles of the heart. Their function is to prevent the backflow of blood as well as preventing suction within the heart (Marieb, E.N & Hoehn K.N. 2013).

The pectinate muscles are located only in the right atrium and their function is to allow for the stretching and expansion of the right atrium for blood to be able to flow from the right atrium into the right ventricle. Chordae tendineae are found only in the ventricles and are tendons that keep the valves in place by attaching the valves to the papillary muscles (Marieb, E.N & Hoehn K.N. 2013).

Papillary muscles have an important role in allowing for the relaxation and contraction of the heart. Only situating in the ventricles, they are connected to the chordae tendineae and assist in the opening and closing of the heart valves. If the papillary muscles are relaxed, valves close to prevent backflow of blood. On the other hand, if the papillary muscles contract, the valves open to allow for blood flow (Marieb, E.N & Hoehn K.N. 2013). All of these structures working together, allows for efficient blood flow of the heart.

3)- Blood Flow of the Heart:

The heart is separated into the right side and the left side. The flow of blood to all areas of the body is a result of the simultaneous contractions and the relaxing of the atria and ventricles. Cleveland Clinic (2014) states that on the right side, blood enters the heart

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