
Study on Mental Retardation

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CONTENT TOPICS | PG.NO | * Introduction * Medico-legal issues * Medico-legal issues in medical practice * Labelling a case as medico-legal case * Examples of Medico-legal issues * General guidelines for dealing with medico-legal cases * Precautions to be taken in medico-legal case * Consumer Protection Act and Medical Profession * Patient 's rights and Consumer Protection Act * The Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection Of Rights And Full Participation) Act, 1995 * Conclusion * Reference | 030304040505070809141718 |

The essay includes the topic of Medico-Legal issues: …show more content…

Examples of MLCs:
The following are some of the examples of MLCs and medical officers should use their professional judgement to decide any other cases not enumerated in the list:
(a) Assault and battery, including domestic violence and child abuse
(b) Accidents like Road Traffic Accidents (RTA), industrial accidents etc.
(c) Cases of trauma with suspicion of foul play
(d) Electrical injuries
(e) Poisoning, Alcohol Intoxication
(f) Undiagnosed coma
(g) Chemical injuries
(h) Burns and Scalds
(j) Sexual Offences
(k) Criminal abortions
(l) Attempted suicide
(m) Cases of asphyxia as a result of hanging, strangulation, drowning, suffocation etc.
(n) Custodial deaths
(o) Death in the operation theatre
(p) Unnatural deaths
(q) Death due to Snake Bite or Animal Bite
(r) Fire Arm injuries
(s) Drug overdose
(t) Drug abuse
(u) Dead brought to the Accident and Emergency Dept / MI Room (Found dead) and deaths occurring within 24 hours of hospitalization without establishment of a diagnosis

GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR DEALING WITH MEDICO-LEGAL CASES (a) In emergencies, resuscitation and stabilization of the patient will be carried out first and medico-legal formalities may be completed subsequently. The consent for treatment is implied in all emergencies.

(b) Emergency medical care will be administered to all cases brought to any AFMS Health Care Establishment irrespective of

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