
Studying Psychology At River Parish Community College

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Sometimes the smallest choices have life altering effects. For instance, deciding to pursue a career in education just like Professor Kleinpeter. Since the doors opened 17 years ago, Kleinpeter has taught Psychology at River Parish Community College. Before River Parish Community College, she taught at the University of New Orleans. Then, in the beginning of her career she taught Special Education for 15 years. It is obvious that Kleinpeter has plenty of experience under her belt, but all of these successes started with a choice. The future that children often dream for themselves is not the reality they live out later in life. Professor Kleinpeter saw herself becoming a Veterinarian. When the time came for her to choose a career, she turned away from the field. The amount of time it took to obtain the degree changed her mind. Instead, she looked to a career in education. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in education along with a certification for Adaptive P.E. Kleinpeter taught Adaptive P.E. for 15 years all over Louisiana and in Houston, Texas. Then she decided, like her husband, she would become a doctor. The prerequisites required to be a medical doctor though was too much for her. So, by the advice of a friend, she decided to pursue a career as a psychologist instead. Psychology is not for the faint of heart. Professor Kleinpeter had accredited the five years it took to earn a Masters of Science degree in psychology as the hardest school years of her life. The

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