
Subway Workers Interview

Decent Essays

Background of the interviewees

The first person I interviewed is my friend and has had less than 5 years in the workforce. Lewis is a sandwich artist, and has started in the food industry when he was 14. Although Lewis is working at Subway, he has worked at other food places like Pizza Hut. His workplace has a number of microwaves, toasters, ovens, fridges, freezers, and computers that promote sales online. Hygiene is a big deal in Lewis’s workplace, as he needs to satisfy his customers with fresh food that doesn’t risk the consumers of getting any food poisoning. All surfaces must be cleaned regularly, and Subway workers must wear gloves when serving food to display OHS.

The second person I interviewed has had more than 25 years in the finance industry. Chris is a financial advisor, and his role in the industry is to deal with his client’s financial affairs and build well for their retirement and even after retirement to make sure they have are looked after appropriately. Chris started working at the age of 19 at Credit Union Savings & Loans. His workplace consists of lots of technology like a financial modelling planner that displays the client’s money and displays if they are safe within their retirement, basic office equipment like printers, fax machines, and photocopiers. …show more content…

This shows that customer service is extremely important and that when I get a job that I must remember to be polite and be

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