
Sudan Essay

Decent Essays

For the past five decades North and South Sudan fought two bloody civil war. After 2 million people lost their lives as a result of the civil war, South Sudan declared its independence on July 9, 2011 following a peace agreement signed that include the right of South Sudan to vote on a referendum and voted to secede from the rest of the nation (Belloni, 2011). Although the natural resource rich South Sudan finally get its independence, there are many challenges lie ahead of the world’s newest nation. Lack of access to clean water, health facilities, education, and infrastructure are to name but a few. According to Unicef in South Sudan as a result of the ongoing violence about 1.8 million children are out of school and about eight …show more content…

According to Unicef, the ongoing violence has aggravated the deteriorating education system where there is low enrollment rate, poor school infrastructure, and decreasing girls’ participation in school. The school infrastructure is so poor that, based on the Annual Education Census (AEC) “ 36 % of primary school students have no access to latrines and 85 % had no school fencing”(Unicef, 2017). Currently the teaching learning process is taking place where schools are organized in a temporary shelter or worse under trees (see the image below), and teaching material remains a big hardel (Jok, 2016). The 2016 ACE revealed that the net enrollment ratio is 50.4 percent. This very low enrollment rate indicates that about half of the school age children of South Sudan are out of school. This low enrollment rate is especially worse for girls because of cultural reasons, and in 2013 there were only 500 girls who were in the final year of highschool in the whole country. According to Scott et al., “as of 2009, the gender parity index for primary education in South Sudan was estimated to be 0.7 and for secondary education was estimated to be 0.4, indicative of educational opportunities that favour males”(2014). Gender disparity, is very wide in South Sudan education. Of all the school age children that are out of school, approximately 66% are girls ( Banraba,2015). There are a number of factors that affect girls education in South Sudan early marriage and

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