
Sudden Infant Death Essay

Decent Essays

Sometimes a baby who seems healthy passes away during sleep. No parent wants to wake up and find their infant not breathing. Sudden Infant Death disorder (SIDS) is one of the leading causes for death among newborn children one month to one year of age. Taking the lives of around 2,500 Infants every year in the United States. An extra 3,500 babies pass on every year from different reasons for sudden and surprising newborn child demise (SUID, or, suffocation). Sudden infant death is a tragic event for any parent or caregiver, and is no one's fault. SIDS can happen even when everything done right.

The accurate reasons for SIDS are still hazy and examination is continuous. “African American Infants are a few times more probable than Caucasian children to pass from SIDS, and Native American newborn children are three times more probable than Caucasians to succumb to SIDS” ( There are a few elements which make babies more defenseless against SIDS. Some danger elements are preventable, yet others are definitely not. Confirmation has demonstrated that a few children who pass on from SIDS have the accompanying; Brain abnormalities, low birth weight, and respiratory infection, which can make babies more vulnerable to sudden death during infancy. “Exposure to cigarette smoke, age under 20, low weight gain, anemia and illegal drug use can also all be causes of SIDS” (textbook pg.424) …show more content…

For example, SIDS is more likely when a baby is between 2 and 4 months old, and it is more frequently in male newborn children than in females. Components that may put an infant at higher danger of SIDS incorporate the accompanying: Babies who sleep over on their stomach as opposed to their back. Babies who sleep over on delicate surfaces, have free sheet material, and are secured by numerous covers. Also Babies that sleep with a siblings or an

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