
Suggestive Case Studies

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Nervous System
Temperature - 37.8 degrees
Circulatory System
Heart Rate - 110 bpm
Respiratory System Respiratory Rate - 26 bpm
SpO2 - 92% on RA
Mrs Levchenko shows signs of excessive work of breathing, sitting in a fowler’s position, use of accessory muscles, coughing and taking breaks between words while talking.
Mrs Levchenko reports her condition worsening being breathless and working hard to get air in.
Digestive System
Mrs Levchenko’s decreased oral intake due to nausea associated with analgesics.
Distended abdomen Mrs Levchenko reports feeling full and neither hungry or thirsty.
Musculoskeletal System
Healing fractures to Right Tibia and Fibula in which Mrs Levchenko underwent surgery where the fractures were internally fixed. …show more content…

(Cretiko et al. 2008, p. 657) Study focuses on early detection of deterioration based on vital signs in particular respiration rate. Cretiko evidence has suggested adults with a respiration rate of 20 breaths/minute are seen to be ill and a respiration rate of 24 breaths/minute is significantly unwell. Cretiko has also reported in hospital wards that there is a strong relationship between tachypnoea respiratory rates of higher then 27 breaths/minute being the early detection of cardiac arrest. Cretiko also found that patients who were found to be unstable were more likely to have a significant change in respiratory vital signs rather than a change in heart …show more content…

So therefore the importance of recording respiratory rate is to help prevent and early detection of pathophysiological changes in the body that is in relation to an increase in respiration rate.
In conclusion we understand factors that make recording respiratory rate difficult. The reasons some Registered Nurse’s believe due to experience not to undertake respiratory assessment, unless showed signs or reported having a serious diagnosis otherwise seen unnecessary. However studies have shown the importance of recording vital signs particularly respiratory rate in relation to early indication of

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