Moreover Schwenk 2015 saw demonstration a very effective strategy for clinical teaching which can be used by clinical instructors, both in face to face teaching environments and in web based distance learning in the form of video or interactive programs such as resource to aid the development of the students in areas such as critical thinking, decision making about patient care and documentation of care provided. However proper demonstration and practice on models, fellow learners and patients would allow the learner to see and perform the procedure correctly, albeit with hesitation and anxiety, and thus become consciously competent. The use of demonstration as a teaching approach within the clinical setting has proven to be valuable and …show more content…
This strategy is mostly used for providing patients with the education they need, and is especially appropriate when sensitive or private topics are being discussed to maintain confidentiality. It is considered however to be the most time consuming method in providing patient education, but it allows for a much more comprehensive assessment of patients understanding which tend to be useful in clarifying any form of misconception in so doing addressing the patient’s learning needs in addition to allowing for supervised opportunities to practice self-care skills. (Zeena Engelke, 2016) According to Engelke (2016) group education is yet another teaching approach it is more cost-effective and efficient as compared to one-on-one education. Reason being it is essentially appropriate in providing education to a group of patients towards general health topics and more so should privacy not be an issue and several patients require the same information. Another advantage of group education as a teaching approach is it provides for emotional support by …show more content…
Just as Group education visual teaching is also considered to be a cost-effective method of teaching patients who do not speak the predominant language. In addition to the use of Interactive multimedia strategies which incorporates in-line exercises to detect any knowledge deficits, provided prompt feedback, and confirmed patient understanding in real time. (Zeena Engelke, 2016) Lecturing is another strategy use within the clinical setting and is an efficient way to share subject matter with a large audience, and certainly has a long tradition and continued relevance in nursing education. This strategy goes hand in hand with the cognitive learning
Generally group learning is cost effective for employers, employees/learners and providers. Enabling continued and multi use of materials, resources and facilities. Group learning also ensures a consistent, common message and programme.
The National Patient Safety Goal 13 was to encourage patients to actively involve in their own care as a patient safety strategy. As per the Joint Commission (2007), the teach-back method is the preferred method to address that goal. According to Fenwick ( n.d.), “Teach-back can help providers communicate with people with low health literacy, but it can also help with communicating overall—even with people with proficient health literacy”. Both the National Quality Forum and The Joint Commission endorse the teach-back method for use in teaching and proper administration of discharge instructions for both the patients and caregivers (Fenwick, n.d.). The American Medical Association also provides the tool kit to educate health care professionals in the use of the teach-back method (Fenwick, n.d.).
As a patient educator it would be important to know the audience you’re speaking to so that you can speak at the level the patient can understand the information that you are giving them. It is vital that patient educators, whether primary care physician, nurse, or health care provider, understand their patients’ health beliefs, values, and level of understanding (i.e. you wouldn’t speak to a child the same way you would speak to an adult to inform them about the treatment medication they’re on. So avoid speaking gaffes and talk to them in a way, using language they understand, so that they follow doctors’ orders, understand what’s happening to them, what they are taking, etc.). The more one understands their patient audience, the better compliance
Being a student in the UW nursing school, I can not only take advantage of the special classroom settings, but also the advanced technology. With classroom settings designed for active learning, it gives me opportunities to share my thoughts and ideas with other students. Instead of listening passively, we would work as a team to find out the best solution for patients. Besides, the unique state-of-the-art technology allows me to practice and apply my knowledge in a simulated hospital setting. Since every practice is recorded, I can take a look at those videos several times and self-reflect. Thus, I can correct my mistakes and improve.
We decided to use this method to convey the information, because the nurses on this floor are very busy taking care of sick patients. We felt it would be more convenient for them to look at the information, while they had a minute or two to themselves. To evaluate whether the teaching was effective, we created an evaluation sheet for the nurses to fill out. Some of the questions ask were: if the information was relevant to them in practice, how well the poster displayed the teaching data, how well the poster explained the need for injection rotation and to rate the overall teaching. Most of the nurses answered that they felt like the information was useful to them. However, there were a few that said the information was not that useful to them on that particular floor. The nurses, who did not feel the information was useful to them, thought the information would have been more useful to nurses on a regular floor such as the Medical
bridge between what is in the student’s mind to the structures of the contents to be learned. Therefore the systematic organization of the contents and the meaningful delivery of the lecture is very important for effective learning. The nurse should formulate lecture adapting various steps such as; plan the body of the lecture (appropriate content/relevant to the topic), provides examples
The teaching plan can be tailored to the needs of the patients who will be attending the classes. It can be tailored to the patient’s abilities, developmental stage and learning styles. The teaching plan can be a combination of lecture format, handouts, videos, powerpoint presentations, demonstrations and group discussion. The fee charged for the teaching program has to be determined by the person, group or facility offering the teaching program. Many insurances do not reimburse for this type of education. This has to be taken into consideration with the intended audience.
If the patient may become upset or nurse must ask intimate questions, I find an empty room, wait until the patient’s roommate has left for a while, or use an empty treatment room or office. For instance, one-to-one instruction method is one of teaching method that I can use in my teaching because it can be tailored to patient learning needs and focused on a patient's specific self-management plan. For example, patient learns how to inject insulin effectively through one-to-one instruction. It also provides an opportunity for both the nurse and the patient to communicate knowledge, idea, and feelings primarily through oral exchange, although nonverbal messages can be conveyed as well.
My time spent in the Clinical setting, so far, has been extremely inciteful as to how to become a better educator in a classroom setting. Through the data I collected I was able to connect Borich’s Seven Variables of learning to the students. By being in the clinical setting for nearly two months, I have been exposed to new ways of thinking when it comes to structuring a classroom and instructing a classroom. Within this reflection you will find out how I would better plan an effective lesson for the pupils in my future classroom. You will also discover what I will do about certain issues in the classroom and how I will address/fix them.
The general goal of this teaching is for the client to be able to breastfeed in the proper manner and to understand the benefits of breastfeeding in order to prolong breastfeeding for as long as
The health professional’s role in teaching at different life stages is very demanding and gratifying. The health care professional should approach patients at their level. According to Falvo (2011), “Effective patient-centered patient teaching uses creative techniques in which psychosocial factors are identified and incorporated” (Pg 84). Medical jargon should not be used during teaching times
The next time he decided that to administer insulin. Clinical assessors required to make professional judgements in interpreting what the minimum acceptable levels of competence are in respect to professional standards. These judgements are frequently made with in the role relationship of that of a mentor cum assessor to a student (Stuart 2005). As it is a skill involved, I found it was difficult for him to memorise all the step and rationales. I explained about my experience when I was a student nurse and concept of learning through practice. For students learning during clinical practice is a complex activity. The student has to contend and learn to deal with complex, unstable and uncertain worlds of practice (Schon 1987). With on going support I facilitated learning environment to practice the procedure under supervision
Teaching and learning in the clinical setting is not a new concept and the teaching of clinical skill to nursing student ranks high on the current agenda of nurse education (Pfeil, 2003). Therefore, has be the duty of teachers to continue to provide ongoing guidance during teaching and learning taking place. According to While (2004), the mentor is required to feel personally and professionally confident when assessing the student’s performance. This allows the development of the students will become better and more effective.
I agree with you, demonstration and return demonstration instructional method of learning is very effective in hospital setting. The best options for patient is learning from health care providers not from internet “providers” Dr google or “You Tube”. According to Burbridge (2014), “patients and other care givers should be very skeptical of the value of You Tube videos demonstrating medical techniques “ ,because is not easy determine if these videos are from reputable websites.
It has been identified that the most important step in effective patient-education strategy is assessment of the patient and formulate and individualised learning technique accordingly. Getting to know the patient, Mr. Dravic, is the initial step that should be taken prior to education session, the nature of his illness that lead to Warfarin therapy must be identified. Additional information about Mr. Davic must also be considered. These include: (1) educational level; (2) learning style – visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic; (3) culture; (4) language; (5) senses; (6) age; (7) inclination to involve