
Summary Of New Negro By W. E. B. Dubois

Decent Essays

Initially, I felt very in tune with the writings of W.E.B. Du Bois, and when given this assignment I was certain I would pick him as my favorite author. W.E.B. Du Bois touched on a great majority of hardships and cruelties presented to African-Americans in this society. However, when reading Alain Locke there was a more advantageous response. As Du Bois touched on the distress, it developed an irritated reaction afterwards. Du Bois read was without a doubt compelling, but I appreciate Locke’s reading regarding the empowerment of African-Americans. I respected Locke’s message and the depiction of the importance of black art and what it represents. It reminded me that African-Americans’ creativity is often times not given the proper credit that is rightfully deserved. Given in the past, many songs by black artists were stolen by acclaimed white artists. Locke also presented the belief of how powerful black excellence is. “A negro news caring materials in English, French, and Spanish.” Despite how the world wants to repress African-Americans, my ancestors continued to preserve and reign supreme. The brilliant mindset African-Americans held at that time was by far inspiring. It proved that their consciousness was revived with determinations to achieve every …show more content…

I was satisfied once I realized “New Negro” was about the bold consciousness African-Americans brought into the light from years of believing this consciousness was inadmissible. One could assume that “New Negro” is about a changed mindset, but it was more than just a mindset. It was a movement. Without the work of African-Americans pioneering in the Harlem Renaissance, where would society be musically? It is no secret that the African-American culture is used all throughout our society. Locke presented that using art in this movement is very effective and connects with people on a deeper

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