
Summary Of Solitude Matters By Susan Cain

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The Gurdian > Lifestyle > Health & Fitness 19th of October, 2015 „Solitude matters” Susan Cain, the New York Times Bestseller author of the book "Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can ́t stop talking", speaks at the TED2012 conference in Long Beach, California, about how extroverts are preferred nowadays and why our society is making a mistake by that. But what does “intro-“ and “extroversion” mean? Introversion is the act of directing one’s interest inward or toward the self. It does not mean that introverted people only deal with themselves and are not interested in others; they just prefer hanging out with good friends over going to a party. In contrast, extroversion is the act of directing one’s interest outward or to things outside the self. Susan Cain came to the TED conference to talk about this topic she is dealing with her whole life. …show more content…

Cain told the audience that because of this, she tried her whole life to convince herself that she was able to be an extrovert too: She went to crowded parties, even though she would prefer a quite dinner with her friends. That was also the reason she ended up being a lawyer at Wall Street instead of writing books, something she dreamt of, when she was a child. It is important to let introverts do, what they can do best. Our society should not only accept, but also support both sides of the spectrum, the introverts and the extroverts. So many important things have been done by people, who referred themselves as “introverts” like Ghandi, Rosa Sparks or Steve Wozniak. “They all took the spotlight, even though every bone in their bodies was telling them not to”, Cain explained. “People could feel that these leaders were at the helm not because they enjoyed directing others and not out of the pleasure of being looked at. They were there because they had no choice, because they were driven to do what they thought was

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