
Summary Of The Revolution Of Evelyn Serrano

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The last reason is that, historical fiction, The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano by the author Sonia Manzano generally uses cultural identity based on a Spanish (Puerto Rican) neighborhood in Harlem, New York City during the late 1960s. We can say that, both Chapters 17 and 20-“Riot” and “The Takeover” shows us how there was police activity in the church, then a sudden riot in the church went boisterous and the church riot (Young Lords garbage offensive) and aftermath was in the news. In The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano by Sonia Manzano wrote, “HARLEM. The Young Lords, a cadre of Puerto Rican activists in East Harlem, yesterday nailed shut the doors of a church with six-inch railroad spikes and occupied the building.” (135). This lastly shows

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