
Summary: The Black Death

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Medieval Times=

News 1-The Black Death’s Wrath----- Once you find out that you have the plague, it’s probably too late. You start seeing swollen lymph nodes on your armpit or on your neck. You also get a fever, headache, and fatigue. Some people experience diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Many cough up blood as well. You feel extreme pain in the abdomen region. It takes about three days until you die. There are some ways that you can avoid this. Many say it’s contagious and you have to stay away from the infected people. Some people even locked themselves into their own homes.

People are being quarantined so the plague doesn’t spread

News 2- Destroyed Civilization--The Black Death has currently killed over millions of people in Europe. Even …show more content…

Her husband had died from the plague on Friday, 13 April 1348.

Ron- “So do you know anybody that had or has the plague and how did you find out that they had it?”

Liza- “My husband had died a couple of weeks ago. He was fine, but then he just fell down and started vomiting everywhere. I took him to a doctor and the doctor told me that he had the Black Death.”

Ron- “How did he get the Black Death?”

Liza- “We aren’t really sure how he got it. He wasn’t around anyone that day, so we think it happened yesterday. He went to the market that day and came back with a slight headache.

Ron- “What were some symptoms that he faced?”

Liza- “He got a fever and he was coughing up blood. He felt pain in chest really badly. He was vomiting and he got dark bumps on his neck.”

Ron- “How did this change you life?”

Liza- “I now have to feed my family by myself. We both worked hard and ended up with just enough for our family. Now I have work double time, so my poor baby would get fed. What worries me the most is that if I get the plague, who would take care of my him? He’s only six!”

Ron- “Are you taking any precautions about

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